Moving your business to Hungary? Whether you are setting up a subsidiary to your existing business or a completely new venture, the Limited Liability company (or LLC for short) is an excellent option for starting your operation in Hungary and the EU.
And why to choose the LLC and not any other format? See the most popular reasons.
1: Quick registration
Registering a Hungarian LLC is simple and quick. The procedure only takes 4-5 business days. You and your partners will be able to see you have an operating business in the online company registry in just a few days.
2: Immediate EU VAT number
Unlike other EU member states, Hungary lets you have an EU VAT number right from the registration of your Hungarian LLC, without meeting any additional conditions or waiting for approval. You can start trading with your European partners right away.
3: Low corporate tax
Hungarian corporate tax is the lowest in the EU at just 9%, and for small businesses, a special tax construction is also available. Your LLC will be able to take advantage of these low taxes. Taxes will increase only if your revenue reaches the EUR 750 million yearly revenue, because then the 15% global minimum tax will be applied to the income of your business.
4: Limited liability
Limited liability means that in case your company causes any damages, you are liable for those only up to the share capital of the company. Depending on your field of operation, you might be required to have a liability insurance for additional security, but either way, your personal assets will remain safe.
5: Low minimum share capital
In line with the above, the minimum share capital of a Hungarian LLC is HUF 3,000,000 (ca. EUR 7,500 in 2025). While this sum is not negligible, it is still relatively low for an investment. In case you want to raise your share capital in the future, e.g. to attract partners, you will be able to that easily.
+1: Option for residency
As the managing director of a Hungarian business, you will be eligible for Hungarian residency on the grounds of operating your company. Since Hungary is a member of the European Union, your Hungarian residence permit will allow you visa-free access to the Schengen zone, and some other partnering countries.
What are you waiting for?
Are you ready to take the next step towards growing your business in Europe? Then contact us today to learn how to proceed with Hungarian company formation.
Do you need help finalizing your plans? Then talk to our experts, tell us about your plans, and let us help you come up with a feasible strategy.
Helpers has 20 years of experience assisting foreigners living, working, and doing business in Hungary. We would be happy to support you on your journey toward success.