Find an answer to all your questions related to company formation in Hungary. Not in the list below? Then feel free to contact our colleagues for clarification.
In Hungary, any adult person can start a company, regardless of nationality or place of residence, unless they are banned by a court from doing so.
The registration process takes only 3-5 work days.
It is HUF 3,000,000, which is less than EUR 10,000.
In Hungary, every company is obliged to have a corporate bank account. This is from where you are supposed to pay taxes and contributions to the government, and salaries to your employees.
Since the corporate bank account must be opened by the managing director in person, we accompany you to a local bank where you can open a bank account for your Hungarian company.
A registered seat is the official address of your Hungarian company. Authorities and partners can expect to find your company at your registered seat address, and all mail sent there is considered delivered.
You are allowed to register your company seat at a service provider who has their own office at the same address. They will handle incoming mail for your company, this way you do not have to maintain an office with staff from the first day of your company operation and can use the amount saved on developing your business.
It might happen that you do not want to rent an office just yet, for example because you are not in Hungary all the time or you are still making preparations for launching your business, but you need a place for working and meeting clients. Renting a desk in a coworking office where meeting rooms are also available will be a cost-effective solution for that. Moreover, having a contract for a physical office might support your corporate bank account opening, since it shows the bank that you are committed to running a feasible operation in Hungary.
You can register for access to e-government in Hungary by visiting one of the public records offices in Hungary. You will get your individual access (to the “Client Gate”), after which you will be able to access your own profile from anywhere around the world. Through that you will be able to register your company for corporate access (to the “Company Gate”). To operate a company in Hungary, both of these registrations are obligatory.